Long Overdue Update – New Band, New Home

I didn’t mean to stop writing, but life got in the way. Here’s an abridged update:

Musician Again
Shortly after my last entry, I was offered an opportunity to try out for an up-and-coming modern country band called Zane Run, and though at first glance it didn’t seem like a great fit for me, I was intrigued. While practicing songs for the audition, I really fell in love with the music and got my hopes up about the band. Luckily, I wasn’t let down; the trial rehearsal was a great experience, and I was offered the position that same night.

Zane Run

Since I joined the group, we have played for thousands of people over the past several months across 3 states, spent time in the recording studio, released 2 new singles with accompanying music videos, been played on numerous radio stations, were featured on Root Sports Pittsburgh’s Friday Night Rocks editions of Pittsburgh Pirates baseball games, and have garnered an array of sponsors and endorsement deals with Mesa Boogie/Mesa Engineering amplification, Warwick basses, Mapex drums, Levy’s Leathers, Joyo Electronics, Dr. J Pedals, JH Audio, Yeti Coolers, Gongshow Apparel, Valley Harley-Davidson, and Numbers Brewing Co.

Zane Run is on a roll and I’m having an absolute blast. The band is run like a business, and everyone is in a professional mindset. This is the first band I’ve ever been a part of where each and every member was 100% reliable and on board with the vision of the band, and also where everyone is gainfully employed, which is so refreshing. No headaches, no drama, just focused dedication to making music.

Big Life News
Not as a result of the new musical journey, but definitely magnified by it, I realized months ago that our home wasn’t big enough for our family. Patricia and I each like our space, and we each have hobbies that require more real estate than a corner of a bedroom. The kids aren’t getting any smaller, and as both of them become more mature, their privacy and sense of personal space is becoming more important by the day.

In 2012, we added a bedroom, walk-in closet, and a small music room on to our home, and that was a nice relief from the issue, but temporary. So, with a deep breath I set the ball rolling on a pre-approval for a loan, and with approval in hand, the grueling process began.

Realtor.com and Zillow were valuable resources, and with the aid of a realtor, I viewed numerous homes. When all the dust had settled and countless homes had been viewed, I landed on a nicely remodeled and expanded home in Cambridge, Ohio.

I thought about removing this bush/tree until fall came and it really started to shine.

Open floor plan between living room and kitchen.

I absolutely love a bright kitchen.

Hardwood floors in the bedrooms and living room.

I’ve always wanted a man cave! I love it!

Plenty of room for my musical instruments.

I have way more gear than I need, but before, I had to put some in storage.

I really couldn’t be happier, and I think the whole family is thrilled with our new home. The kids have their space, Patty has her own separate living room and dressing room, I have my basement man cave, and we have three bathrooms so no one has to wait in line. Patty is also making use of the garage, so no more scraping snow and ice for her on cold winter mornings.

Now that it’s getting cold and things are slowing down a bit for the band and for work, I should have more time to write. We’ll see!

– J

~ by hamiltonjacobs on October 31, 2015.

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